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Results for: Substance Misuse

3 June 2024, 1:00 pm

Practitioner Training,

Substance Misuse Prevention Training

A group of professionals sit around a table whilst a woman at the front presents a topic to them. She is using Post-It Notes to demonstrate a theory. Overlaid is text that reads "Substance misuse prevention training".

20 June 2024, 1:00 pm

Practitioner Training,

Substance Misuse Prevention Training

A group of professionals sit around a table whilst a woman at the front presents a topic to them. She is using Post-It Notes to demonstrate a theory. Overlaid is text that reads "Substance misuse prevention training".

9 July 2024, 4:00 pm

Practitioner Training,

Substance Misuse Prevention Training

A group of professionals sit around a table whilst a woman at the front presents a topic to them. She is using Post-It Notes to demonstrate a theory. Overlaid is text that reads "Substance misuse prevention training".


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