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Employability Summit

Beyond traineeships: what does the future of pre-employment support look like for young people?

A group of adults in a line look directly at the camera. They are each holding their CV in their hands. They get progressively more blurry as the line moves further away from the camera. Overlaid is the text "Employability Summit Event Series"

Catch22 and the Learning and Work Institute hosted a webinar exploring pre-employment opportunities for young people in the light of standalone traineeship programmes ending in August 2023. We asked questions including:

  • What is the future of traineeships?
  • What worked and what didn’t when it came to the traineeship programme?
  • How are young people being helped in their search for quality work?
  • What does the future of pre-employment support for young people look like?

Our panellists included:

  • Steve Latus, Head of Traineeships at the Department for Education
  • Dr Fiona Aldridge, Head of Insight – Economic Delivery, Skills and Communities at West Midlands Combined Authority
  • Nicola Aylward, Head of Learning for Young People at the Learning and Work Institute
  • Sam Stanyer, Senior Operations Manager for Employability at Catch22

You also heard from young people about their experiences of pre-employment training and participants had the opportunity to share your thoughts and ask our panel questions.