Our manifesto outlines “22 ways to build resilience and aspiration in people and communities” across five key areas. Download your copy.

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8 May 2024

Modern slavery statement

Overhead close-up of a person reviewing a formal-looking document. They are holding a pen to make notes. A laptop is on the table in front of them. Overlaid is text that reads: "Policy Library".


Primary / KS1 and KS2

5 Dec 2023

Catch22 MAT: Governance documents

Three students sit with their teacher looking at some work. Overlaid is the Catch22 Multi Academies Trust logo.


30 Oct 2023

Recite Me user guide

Overhead close-up of a person reviewing a formal-looking document. They are holding a pen to make notes. A laptop is on the table in front of them. Overlaid is text that reads: "Policy Library".


14 Apr 2023

Business continuity policy

Overhead close-up of a person reviewing a formal-looking document. They are holding a pen to make notes. A laptop is on the table in front of them. Overlaid is text that reads: "Policy Library".


20 Mar 2023

Accessibility statement

Overhead close-up of a person reviewing a formal-looking document. They are holding a pen to make notes. A laptop is on the table in front of them. Overlaid is text that reads: "Policy Library".



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