Our manifesto outlines “22 ways to build resilience and aspiration in people and communities” across five key areas. Download your copy.

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Offender management and rehabilitation

29 May 2024

The challenges of being transgender in prison

Offender management and rehabilitation

6 Jul 2022

How important is digital inclusion for prison leavers?

A person picks up a Catch22 Justice booklet from a chair. Overlaid is text that reads: "Wisdom Wednesdays: Justice Blog Series".

Case studies,

Offender management and rehabilitation

27 Apr 2022

The impact of foreign national peer mentors in prisons

Crime diversion

6 Apr 2022

The impact of Suffolk Positive Futures on service users

A person picks up a Catch22 Justice booklet from a chair. Overlaid is text that reads: "Wisdom Wednesdays: Justice Blog Series".

Case studies,

Crime diversion

23 Mar 2022

Supporting young people with positive alternatives to crime using sports

Offender management and rehabilitation

9 Mar 2022

Helping prison leavers to develop into society

A person picks up a Catch22 Justice booklet from a chair. Overlaid is text that reads: "Wisdom Wednesdays: Justice Blog Series".

Case studies,

Victim services

23 Feb 2022

Improving victims’ experience of the criminal justice system

Offender management and rehabilitation

12 Jan 2022

Neurodiversity in the criminal justice system


15 Dec 2021

Working in Catch22’s Wolverhampton Violence Reduction resettlement team

A person picks up a Catch22 Justice booklet from a chair. Overlaid is text that reads: "Wisdom Wednesdays: Justice Blog Series".

Case studies,

Crime diversion

17 Nov 2021

What’s it like to work as a Catch22 Reparation Manager?

Child exploitation

15 Sep 2021

Child sexual exploitation: an ever-evolving crime

Victim services

1 Sep 2021

Domestic abuse and sexual violence

Victim services

11 Aug 2021

Hidden victimhood

Offender management and rehabilitation

28 Jul 2021

What is it like to work as a Catch22 Senior Case Manager?

Victim services

14 Jul 2021

Supporting victims of hate crime

Victim services

30 Jun 2021

What is honour-based violence?

Child exploitation

26 May 2021

SPACE talks Missing Incidents

Victim services

28 Apr 2021

Why is restorative justice important?

Criminal justice

14 Apr 2021

Challenges in prison during COVID-19

Victim services

31 Mar 2021

How to be safe from fraud

Child exploitation

17 Mar 2021

Child exploitation and criminal behaviour

Victim services

3 Mar 2021

Violence against women and girls

Victim services

17 Feb 2021

Adapting victim services to remote delivery

A person picks up a Catch22 Justice booklet from a chair. Overlaid is text that reads: "Wisdom Wednesdays: Justice Blog Series".


Offender management and rehabilitation

3 Feb 2021

Education is the way out of reoffending


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