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Offender management and rehabilitation

Catch22 responds to call for evidence from the Public Accounts Committee on “Improving Resettlement Support for Prison Leavers”

The Houses of Parliament and Big Ben, taken from across the River Thames. Overlaid is text that reads: "Consultation Response".

Catch22 has responded to the recent Public Accounts Committee Inquiry looking into how resettlement support can be improved to both limit the likelihood of reoffending and minimise its associated costs.

Reoffending has significant costs to both society and communities, as outlined by the recent National Audit Office report into “Improving Resettlement Support for Prison Leavers to Reduce Reoffending“. This includes direct financial losses to victims and the costs that the criminal justice system must meet, from running police investigations and court hearings, to holding offenders in prisons and ensuring their effective supervision in the community. In 2019, the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) estimated that reoffending across all adult offenders identified in 2016 had cost society £16.7 billion (in 2017-18 prices).

Prison leavers are more likely to reoffend if they are not resettled into the community, for example if they have nowhere to live, no job or other income, and have poor continuity of healthcare. HM Prison and Probation Service (HMPPS), and the organisations, like Catch22, that they commission to deliver services, aim to minimise the risk of this through their resettlement work.

The Public Accounts Committee called for evidence into ways in which this cost can be reduced, in which Catch22 has argued for five key reforms:

  1. Provide rehabilitative alternatives to Fixed Term Recalls
  2. Introduce longer term commissioning
  3. Streamline the vetting process
  4. Reinvest in and reimagine preventative work
  5. Drive the co-location of services that support prison leavers
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