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Offender management and rehabilitationSubstance use

Dependency and Recovery: Annual report 2023-2024

Close-up of a man sitting across the table from a young person, working on an exercise together. They are both holding marker pens. A Catch22 mug can be seen on the table.

“At CAMHS, I felt like they were looking down on me. I was ‘the kid with mental health issues’, or it felt like they were reading from a script. But it’s not been like that here.

“You’ve helped me to realise that addiction is not a burden; it’s my life, and everyone reacts to things differently, and I’ve just happened to have an addiction. My worker was more than okay, she was great. It will be strange to not have these sessions anymore.”

Service user


Since the start of the contract in 2022, Dependency and Recovery has been delivered across eight London hubs. These hubs are based in Brixton, Canning Town, Croydon, Ealing, King’s Cross, Lewisham, Tottenham and Romford, with one staff member based at each site.

We have learned from our other Commissioned Rehabilitative Services that it is crucial to have a blended approach: working between our core base sites, as well as within Probation Delivery Units (PDUs), so that we are able to build and maintain engagement and complete sessions for those where there is a need. Our Dependency and Recovery service therefore continues to deliver interventions both face-to-face and in virtual settings on a one-to-one basis.

Impact metrics

For service users, ‘distance travelled’ has been assessed against a set of statements which are completed both before and after their allocated intervention sessions. From these assessments, we can see that the Dependency and Recovery sessions have had the following impact:

  • 99.8% of service users either partially or fully completed their outcomes recommended by HMPPS.
  • 91.0% of service users agreed or strongly agreed that ‘The service has helped me to achieve controlled, non-dependent, or non-problematic use of drugs/alcohol.’
  • 88.4% of service users agreed or strongly agreed that ‘The service has improved my understanding of the options available to reduce my dependency on drugs/alcohol.’
  • 84.1% of service users attributed the service with ‘Improving my physical health and/or mental resilience.’

Service user feedback

In addition to the impact data metrics, we have continued to receive several ‘Service User Exit Questionnaires’ which have been imperative to our service delivery. These questionnaires showed that:

  • 100% of service users stated they felt comfortable talking to their recovery practitioner.
  • 100% of service users reported no issues with accessing or using the Dependency and Recovery service.
  • 97.8% of service users ‘Strongly agreed’ or ‘Agreed’ that they felt listened to and understood.
  • 95.7% of service users rated their overall experience as ‘Excellent’ or ‘Good’.


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