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Victim Support

Hidden victims and ‘victim’ terminology

Overhead close-up of two people sitting close together talking. One is making notes about the conversation in a notebook. Overlaid is the text "Victim Support Event Series"

In this webinar, which is part of our Victims Webinar Series, we explored the plight of ‘hidden victims’ and the damaging effect that ‘victim’ terminology can have on those who have been affected by crime.

Covering topics including how we talk about victims, the narrative of the ‘ideal’ victim and its impact on self-perception, hate crime and its effect on people with disabilities, and how young people who have been impacted by child exploitation and county lines are victims too. Panellists also discussed a variety of recommendations and solutions for how individuals and professionals can beat this narrative and provide better support to victims.

Our panellists included:

  • Nottinghamshire Victim CARE Service Manager, Katherine Fuentes-Dominguez,
  • County Lines Support and Rescue Senior Service Manager, Johnny Bolderson, and
  • Nottingham Mencap Smile Stop Hate Crime and Digital Inclusion Coordinator, Karen Aspley.

Closing the session, Nottinghamshire Victim CARE Service Manager, Katherine Fuentes-Dominguez said:

“We need to make sure people understand that being a victim of crime does not come with conditions, and you can access support. There is a wealth of support out there for everybody.”