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Victim Support

The hidden side of domestic abuse: child-on-parent violence

Overhead close-up of two people sitting close together talking. One is making notes about the conversation in a notebook. Overlaid is the text "Victim Support Event Series"

In this webinar, which is part of our Victims Webinar Series, we asked what can be done to tackle child-on-parent violence (CPV).

Touching on topics including what “child-on-parent violence” means, how it can be addressed, and why it is an under-reported form of domestic abuse, attendees heard from a range of specialists, with the aim of raising awareness of an under-reported and under-researched issue to see how the sector can address the growing incidence of child on parent going forward.

Our panellists included:

  • Practitioners from the Beacon Family Hub
  • A researcher in the field of child on parent violence, and
  • A service user who has experienced and received support to deal with child on parent violence