Our manifesto outlines “22 ways to build resilience and aspiration in people and communities” across five key areas. Download your copy.

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Primary / KS1 and KS2

22 May 2024

Include Suffolk receives funding for new technology

A child sits at a table using a tablet computer for learning. Only the bottom half of their face can be seen.


Digital skills

20 Dec 2023

Closing the gender diversity gap: women in technology

Digital skills

24 Aug 2023

Giving people links to the digital world and their community

Offender management and rehabilitation

26 Sep 2022

Women prisoners to be taught coding as part of new partnership

A woman sits at a desk working on computer coding.


Offender management and rehabilitation

6 Jul 2022

How important is digital inclusion for prison leavers?

A person picks up a Catch22 Justice booklet from a chair. Overlaid is text that reads: "Wisdom Wednesdays: Justice Blog Series".

Case studies,

Digital skills

22 Jun 2022

Included: how to support young people who face disadvantage to thrive online

A young girl leans over her notebook to type something on a laptop in front of her.


Digital skills

22 Apr 2022

Reclaiming agency: how can gaming empower young people?

Digital skills

21 Apr 2022

Access to digital skills: who is being left behind?

A teenager smiles at her laptop while working.


Digital skills

29 Dec 2021

Catch22 responds to call for evidence on "Digital Skills for Employment"

The Houses of Parliament and Big Ben, taken from across the River Thames. Overlaid is text that reads: "Consultation Response".


Digital skills

29 Nov 2021

Digital disadvantage: barriers to digital skills and access

Close-up of a person working on a laptop. Their face cannot be seen.


Digital skills

20 Oct 2021

Supporting people and communities to thrive online

Victim services

13 Oct 2021

The role of a Vulnerable Victims Case Manager

A person picks up a Catch22 Justice booklet from a chair. Overlaid is text that reads: "Wisdom Wednesdays: Justice Blog Series".

Case studies,

Child exploitation

3 Aug 2021

‘Digital by Default’ in the COVID-19 Context

Digital skills

3 Jun 2021

A vision for a digitally included Britain

A triangle made up of four parts. At the top, it says Skills, on the bottom-left, it says Device, and on the bottom-right, it says Data. In the centre, is a puzzle piece that connects them all together.


Children's social care

20 May 2021

‘Digital Passport’ to address online risks faced by children in care

A teenage girl wearing glasses browses the internet using a tablet.


Digital skills

29 Mar 2021

Why a fair society means every young person should have digital access

Digital skills

29 Jan 2021

Digital skills and reskilling: an opportunity to address inequality

Digital skills

21 Jan 2021

Urgent need to reach the digitally excluded

Child exploitation

29 Oct 2020

Catch22 receives generous donation from Tesco Mobile for victims of CSE

A teenage girl sits in a chair with crossed legs, browsing content on her mobile phone.



22 Sep 2020

College students receive computers from Raspberry Pi Foundation

Close-up of two young adults wearing sweatshirts. They each hold Raspberry Pi boxes in front of their chests. Neither of their faces can be seen.



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