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Primary / KS1 and KS2

Include Suffolk receives funding for new technology

A child sits at a table using a tablet computer for learning. Only the bottom half of their face can be seen.

With thanks to funding from Suffolk Community Foundation through the Davies Family Fund, our Include Ipswich alternative provision school, one of the three Include Suffolk sites, will have better technology for its learners.

The £1,500 of funding will allow our students to benefit from new tablets fitted with protective fall cases to use in their learning. The new computer tablets will replace the ageing IT equipment our pupils currently use which is both slow to operate with breakdown issues, and clunky for the needs for our students.

With the increase in additional needs in our cohort over the last year, we are having to individualise our approach to learning more than ever. Provision of new tablets, equipped with fall cases to keep them in good working order, will improve the experience of our pupils and be more suitable to the needs of our pupils.

Include Suffolk provides full-time, specialist education for children aged 5-11, most of whom have Social, Emotional, and/or Mental Health needs (SEMH). Many have been excluded from mainstream education. Classes are small, with high staff to student ratios that support tailored, bespoke learning. Include Suffolk follows the National Curriculum, alongside therapeutic sessions and personalised academic interventions, which are delivered by our staff team who have been trained in behavioural and Special Educational teaching.

Whether pupils transition back into positive destinations of mainstream school, further education, employment, or training, our schools give students the tools they need to positively contribute to society and lead a happy and fulfilling life.