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Criminal justiceVictim services

Season 2, Episode 7: Restorative justice

Header image for the Catch22 Minutes podcast which reads "Season 2: Justice"

In the Catch22Minutes podcast, we delve into some of today’s major social challenges. We speak to frontline experts, industry leaders and young people, in pursuit of ideas for reforming public services.

The second season focused on the UK’s justice sector and was presented by Catch22’s former Communications and Marketing Manager, Josie Cochrane. From developing restorative justice to reducing the impact of court delays, this series was focused on solutions which could impact every aspect of the justice sector.

Restorative justice gives victims the opportunity to be heard and the offender the chance to  repair the harm done – all through a supportive, controlled environment. It can involve an in-person facilitated discussion, letters or recorded messages between the victim and offender. Research also suggests it results in at least a 14% reduction in the frequency of reoffending, and a 85% victim satisfaction rate.

In this episode, we are joined by Detective Superintendent Chris Baker from Leicestershire Police, and Charlotte Calkin, Director of the Restorative Engagement Forum which delivers restorative justice and restorative practice across the UK, including through working with Catch22’s justice and education teams. 

You’ll also hear from Jas Purewal from our Victim First team based in Leicestershire. Jas leads the team’s restorative justice work, and tells us more about a recent case involving a mother and daughter.

Our panellists

Charlotte Calkin

Chris Baker

Jas Purewal