Our manifesto outlines “22 ways to build resilience and aspiration in people and communities” across five key areas. Download your copy.

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Care leavers

17 May 2022

Increasing employment opportunities for young people with care experience

A group of people. dressed casually, work together to plan a project using post-it notes and print outs. The table they are working on is very busy, with notebooks, phones, mugs, glasses and more spread across it.


Offender management and rehabilitation

22 Feb 2022

Why successful re-integration reduces the chances of reoffending

Crime diversion

16 Dec 2021

Suffolk Positive Futures: Annual report 2020-2021

A male football coach talks to a teenage football player whilst sitting on the grass outside.


Employment and training

29 Nov 2021

Catch22 responds to inquiry into "Support for Employment During COVID-19"

The Houses of Parliament and Big Ben, taken from across the River Thames. Overlaid is text that reads: "Consultation Response".


Child exploitation

3 Aug 2021

‘Digital by Default’ in the COVID-19 Context

Care leavers

16 Jul 2021

NLCBF: Impact of Universal Credit uplift

A young woman sits on the floor covered with a blanket. She hugs a dog and her face is covered by her hair as she does so.


Social action

18 Jun 2021

Catch22 named placement partner for UK Year of Service

Close-up of a person bending down to pick up litter in the park. Their feet and a gloved hand can be seen.


Care leavers

26 May 2021

NLCBF: Annual report 2020-2021

A young man participates in an online event, which he is viewing on his laptop whilst wearing earphones.


Health and wellbeing

10 May 2021

Understanding the psychological and social impact of the pandemic

Employment and training

30 Apr 2021

Supporting young people into work: skilling up for the future

Criminal justice

14 Apr 2021

Challenges in prison during COVID-19

Victim services

17 Feb 2021

Adapting victim services to remote delivery

A person picks up a Catch22 Justice booklet from a chair. Overlaid is text that reads: "Wisdom Wednesdays: Justice Blog Series".


Emotional support

4 Feb 2021

Supporting young people this Children’s Mental Health Week

Primary / KS1 and KS2

27 Nov 2020

Circle time at Include Wales

Substance use

13 Nov 2020

Substance misuse and COVID-19 – staying safe

A group of young adults sit together on a bed in a cosy bedroom. One holds a glass in their hands. Overlaid is text that reads: "Drugs Awareness Poster Hub".

Posters and downloads,


22 Oct 2020

Catch22 praised for adapting learning in light of COVID-19

Two students smile as they work together at a computer. They are sat in a library and other computers can be seen in a row. One is sat in a chair, and the other is leaning over pointing to something on the screen. Overlaid is text that reads: "Catch22 College".


Health and wellbeing

21 Aug 2020

Catch22 secures NLCF funding to support those hit hardest during COVID-19

Close-up of a father, with his eyes closed, hugs his young daughter, who looks directly at the camera.


Employment and training

8 Jul 2020

A step in the right direction, but will the Kickstart scheme help those who need it most?

Support into work

2 Jul 2020

Jobs 22: Catch22’s joint venture to tackle unemployment post COVID-19

Young woman stands in a beauty salon with her arms folded. She is looking directly at the camera.


Criminal justice

29 Jun 2020

Catch22 responds to call for evidence on "Public Services: Lessons from coronavirus"

The Houses of Parliament and Big Ben, taken from across the River Thames. Overlaid is text that reads: "Consultation Response".


Employment and training

25 Jun 2020

Catch22 marks National Employability Day 2020 virtually

A woman talks with colleagues on a video call, using her tablet.


Employment and training

9 Jun 2020

Catch22 joins Reskilling the Recovery

A mechanic shows his apprentice how to work on a car. She is removing a wheel. They are both wearing coveralls.


29 May 2020

Chris Wright rounds up Catch22’s Lockdown Diaries

29 May 2020

Catch22’s Lockdown Diaries


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