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Victim services

HRH The Princess Royal visits Greater Manchester Victims’ Services

HRH The Princess Royal shakes hands with delegates outside Catch22 Greater Manchester Victims' Services.

The Princess Royal visited Greater Manchester Victims’ Services (GMVS), delivered by Catch22 and commissioned by Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA), at Greater Manchester Police (GMP) Force HQ on Friday 10th May. During the visit, partners showcased how the service helps those impacted by crime to cope and recover. 

The Princess Royal’s visit was made in her capacity as Patron of Catch22, which delivers three victims services across the UK in Greater Manchester, Leicestershire and Hertfordshire. GMVS provides tailored and bespoke support for victims of crime, including practical support, advice and guidance, advocacy, and signposting. Catch22 began delivering GMVS in September 2023 and has since supported over 12,000 individuals.  

The service works closely with GMCA and Greater Manchester Police (GMP) to ensure support is available across a wide range of crime types, and that the most vulnerable victims are identified and receive an enhanced service.  

During her visit, HRH The Princess Royal met with stakeholders from GMCA and GMP, including the Mayor of Greater Manchester, Andy Burnham. GMCA and GMP shared their expertise, demonstrating the importance of collaboration and a close working partnership in delivering a holistic victim support service that meets the needs of all those across Greater Manchester. HRH The Princess Royal was afterwards introduced to caseworkers from across GMVS and its partner, Remedii, who each highlighted the delivery they provide across a range of crime types and support provisions, including fraud, county lines, children and young people (CYP) and restorative justice. 

HRH The Princess Royal was then invited to unveil a plaque commemorating the visit, underscoring her commitment to advocating for victims. The visit honoured the hard work of GMVS in helping individuals to cope and recover, but also spotlighted the dedication across Greater Manchester in tackling crime and the impact it has on victims. 

Reflecting on the significance of the visit, Andy Canniford, Chief Development Officer of Catch22, emphasised the importance of services like GMVS in providing solace and support to those affected by crime: 

HRH The Princess Royal’s visit was a testament to the work we do at GMVS. Her engagement with our team and stakeholders reaffirmed the importance of our mission and commitment to supporting victims. It’s moments like these that remind us why we do what we do and inspire us to continue striving for positive change in the communities we serve. 

Andy Burnham, Mayor of Greater Manchester, said: 

“There has been a significant amount of change in our police service in recent times, with the force now recording more crimes, making more arrests, and reducing overall crime, and these improvements have been the first step in providing better support for victims.

However, we know there is more work to do to further improve support for victims of crime and our refreshed Greater Manchester Victims’ Service is helping to achieve that by being co-located with police and the crime recording team, allowing the streamlining of referrals and providing more tailored support through new victim coordinators.”

Chief Superintendent Natalie Dalby, Head of Force Crime Management Unit, said of GMVS: 

“Having a dedicated service to support victims of crime is paramount for instilling them with the confidence and strength to recover from their ordeal, and support our investigations as they go through the criminal justice system.

Whilst the service remains totally independent of GMP, its new collocated space at our Headquarters is meaning that we are working much more effectively with the service, to enhance victim experience and ensure we are offering as many victims of crime as possible access to the specially trained professionals within it.

We are committed, alongside our partners, to supporting victims at their time of need, putting them at the heart of our investigations, and providing them with the best possible overall service. I would encourage anyone who has been a victim of crime, even if they haven’t reported to the police, to seek support if they need it.”